*Feature Friday ARC Review is a meme hosted by The Tattered Page to feature YA books that have not yet been released by reviewing them.*
Publisher: Swoon Reads
Publication date: October 20, 2015
Pages: 288
Source: ARCThe Story:
Jane, a superstitious fangirl, takes an anonymous babysitting job to avoid an unpaid internship with her college-obsessed mom. The only problem? She's babysitting the siblings of her childhood friend and new crush, Teo.
Teo doesn't dislike Jane, but his best friend Ravi hates her, and is determined to keep them apart. So Teo's pretty sure his plans for a peaceful summer are shot. His only hope is that his intermittent search for his birth father will finally pan out and he'll find a new, less awkward home. Meanwhile, at Jane's house, her sister Margo wants to come out as bisexual, but she's terrified of how her parents will react.
In a summer filled with secrets and questions, even Jane's Magic 8 ball can't give them clear answers, but Signs Point to Yes.
My Review:
I did not really know what to think about Signs Point to Yes so I did not go in with much expectations. With that, it saved the story from being a two-star rating.
Opening Line:
Jane Connelly needed a job, and she needed it fast.
The premise of Signs Point to Yes, was not anything special. The most interesting in the blurb was Jane's dependency on her Magic 8 Ball which I thought was adorable because I have one as well.
The pacing was spot-on. I did not feel bogged down by the pacing of the story. Hall's writing is light, airy and summery which helped keep the pacing on track. The best aspect of the writing was the quirky sense of humor which helped me keep reading the story.
All in all, Signs Point to Yes is a decent, quick read if you need a filler book between anticipated and/or heavier reads. This was my first read by Sandy Hall, and while it wasn't terrible it wasn't enough to make me want to read any of her other works. But, by all means, give Signs Point to Yes a try if you have a preference for summery, lighthearted contemporaries.
Character Breakdown:
Jane Connelly - Plain Jane. That was the first notion to immediately come to mind when I thought of Jane. Ordinary, unremarkable, normal Jane. While I appreciate the realism of her character, I like the characters of the stories I read to have at least one remarkable trait to admire. However, her quirky self, and sense of humor made me not hate Jane.
Teo Garcia - First off, I absolutely loved that the story included diversity theme. Teo was Puerto Rican! Being half-Puerto Rican and reading stories with characters with similar cultural backgrounds was refreshing and something to connect to in the story. Moving on, while Teo was not as take-charge and swoony as I like my YA guys, he was a low-key, ordinary, boy-next-door type which, in itself, sweet.
I did not really know what to think about Signs Point to Yes so I did not go in with much expectations. With that, it saved the story from being a two-star rating.
Opening Line:
Jane Connelly needed a job, and she needed it fast.
The premise of Signs Point to Yes, was not anything special. The most interesting in the blurb was Jane's dependency on her Magic 8 Ball which I thought was adorable because I have one as well.
The pacing was spot-on. I did not feel bogged down by the pacing of the story. Hall's writing is light, airy and summery which helped keep the pacing on track. The best aspect of the writing was the quirky sense of humor which helped me keep reading the story.
All in all, Signs Point to Yes is a decent, quick read if you need a filler book between anticipated and/or heavier reads. This was my first read by Sandy Hall, and while it wasn't terrible it wasn't enough to make me want to read any of her other works. But, by all means, give Signs Point to Yes a try if you have a preference for summery, lighthearted contemporaries.
Character Breakdown:
Jane Connelly - Plain Jane. That was the first notion to immediately come to mind when I thought of Jane. Ordinary, unremarkable, normal Jane. While I appreciate the realism of her character, I like the characters of the stories I read to have at least one remarkable trait to admire. However, her quirky self, and sense of humor made me not hate Jane.
"'Thanks. I obviously can't handle the sight of boy nipples,' Jane said, blushing even more deeply and slapping her hand over her mouth. I shouldn't even be allowed to speak, she thought. - pages 32
Teo Garcia - First off, I absolutely loved that the story included diversity theme. Teo was Puerto Rican! Being half-Puerto Rican and reading stories with characters with similar cultural backgrounds was refreshing and something to connect to in the story. Moving on, while Teo was not as take-charge and swoony as I like my YA guys, he was a low-key, ordinary, boy-next-door type which, in itself, sweet.
Meet the Author:
Sandy Hall is a teen librarian from New Jersey where she was born and raised. She has a BA in Communication and a Master of Library and Information Science from Rutgers University. When she isn't writing, or teen librarian-ing, she enjoys reading, marathoning TV shows, and long scrolls through Tumblr.
***Check out Sandy Hall's website for more information about her and Signs Point to Yes: HERE
Happy Reading!
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