Hola Bookies!
As I have mentioned in a previous post, #WIP2, I just finished my second manuscript and now I want try to get it published. Being the amateur I am, I have no idea really where to start in the getting published department. But as I was doing my research, I stumbled across the term Beta Readers. "Beta Readers? What the heck are Beta Readers?" I was so confused so, I decided to dig a little deeper and write a post on the subject.
According to Literary Ramblings, Beta Readers are:
A beta reader is, essentially, someone who reads your work and offers
input while it is in draft form. Generally, they look for typos,
grammatical errors, continuity issues, etc. in order to help improve and
polish your work before its submitted to a publishing professional or
made public. A lot of beta readers will do more than check for
typographical errors, however, and will extend their generosity and time
by critiquing and commenting on plot issues, characterization,
believability, overall feeling, etc. Whatever they find that they feel
could use improving. Mostly, it depends on what you want and what you
and your beta reader(s) agree to. If you're particular and/or
thin-skinned, the more up front you are regarding the kind of beta
reader and feedback you're looking for, the better the experience you'll
With that said, I continued on my merry way to figuring out the whole Beta Reader realm. From the gist of it here are a few tips to keep in mind when seeking out a Beta Reader(s):
1. Be open to constructive criticism
2. Quality not Quantity - be vigilant
3. Be specific about what you want
4. Think about being a Beta Reader, yourself
5. Maybe start with one chapter to get a feel for the Beta Reader
6. Maybe a Beta Reader isn't what your looking for, perhaps a critique partner would be a better fit?
*Proceed at your own risk*
- GoodReads has a Beta Reader Group
- YouWriteOn.com, good for English and spelling (?)
- ReviewFuse
- Bookcountry, you can post all or parts of your manuscript people will review if they want
- NaNoWriMo has a forum dedicated to experiences writers had with Beta Readers: What Your Experiences?
Are you familiar with Beta Readers? What is your take on them? Any experiences? Are you one? Know of one?
Happy Reading!

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