Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Beginning ...

So I just solidified the first 5 chapters of my manuscript, Paradox. Currently, I have written about 71,000 words and it still isn't finished so ... this is only the very beginning. I have a long road ahead of me and can't wait to the day when my first baby is complete. Wish me luck!

Take a look at my first 98 pages:



Diana said...

holy crap! CONGRATS! thats amazing! I wanna be one of the first one's to read PARADOX :) let me know!

Good Choice Reading said...

Wanna hear something funny? I went to visit my cousin yesterday on St. Raymond St. LOL I could have met up with you and swapped the books lol.

Ashley Correa said...

@Diana: Thanks! Of course you can read it. I commented on your recent "In My Mailbox" post with the links to the chapters of two manuscripts I am currently working on.

@Damaris: WOW! That would have been so much better! LOL

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