Yes, that about sums up BEA - BookExpo America - in one, er, tastefully simple word.
I arrived at Jacob Javits Center at a little after 9 am on May 24th after crawling there an hour of traffic on the I-95. At that was coming from the Bronx mind you. Anywho, although this was not my first visit to the center, it was my first time attending BEA. And I have to say: Great choice, Haysel. Great choice.
As soon as I walked into the ginormous building I could feel the excitement as it tip-toed up my spine. One level below the first floor, in the registeration area, there was a chaos of people hustling to get registered and speedwalk - or, um, run, for those you lack self-control - to the exhibit floor.
I never felt so at home in a place that wasn't, uh, actually my home. Hehehe... Well, enough writing ... now it's time for picture time:
... Hmm, Claudia Gray's upcoming novel, FATEFUL, due out September 2011.
Just one of the many authors I've meet at BEA.
OMGGGGG! so many books.... im so jealouss!
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