Thursday, May 3, 2018

Bookish Quiz : "Would You Rather?" For Book Nerds

*Bookish Quiz is a meme hosted by The Tattered Page to share bookish quizzes found as well as personal results*

Hey Bookies!

BuzzFeed is a goldmine for quizzes, and I love it when they post bookish quizzes! This week's quiz pays homage to the game "Would You Rather?"

Questions on the bookish quiz range from Would you rather have a friend who loses your books, or one who dog-ears them? to Would you rather lose your place or get a paper cut every time you read a book? And each time you answer a question you get the percentage of votes for each answer option selected.
So— are you ready to know what book sings to your soul? Find out now!

Here are a few of my answers below:

 I chose to date a character I have a crush on. . . I mean, come on! No-brainer!

Jamie Fraser - Outlander

Martin Caden - Snow Falling

 I would rather read a book with an annoying cliffhanger -__-

Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince by J.K. Rowling

I love the smell of new books and the crisp, clean pages so-- bookstore it is! 

Plus I get to dig into the not-yet released books in the back.

Want to take the quiz? Hop on over to BuzzFeed.

Happy Reading!


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