Publisher: Titan Books
Release Date: October 20, 2015
Pages: 320
Source: Own
The Story:
When her heart is stolen by a seductive stranger, a young woman is swept away to a house atop a mountain of blood-red clay: a place filled with secrets that will haunt her forever.
Between desire and darkness, between mystery and madness, lies the truth behind Crimson Peak. From acclaimed director Guillermo del Toro.
Between desire and darkness, between mystery and madness, lies the truth behind Crimson Peak. From acclaimed director Guillermo del Toro.
One-word Review: HAUNTING
Reading Tune: Crimson Peak by Fernando Velazquez
Tag Line:
Opening Line:
The first time I saw a ghost, I was ten years old.
It was my mother's.
I loved this book! Simply put. Crimson Peak by Nancy Holder is the Official Novelization of the movie with the same title. I watched the movie in theaters when it was first released back in October2015, loved the movie and subsequently squealed with joy when I found out they were selling the novelization on Amazon.
Crimson Peak is a historical Gothic horror romance. How does that not sound absolutely enticing?!
"Whom promised Edith that her own life would hold a "Happily Ever After' with a man who would build her a castle --'with his own two hands,' she would say, smiling very dreamily, then add, 'like your father.'" - page 22
The plot entails a young American woman, Edith Cushing, living with her loving father, a widower and wealthy and successful businessman, in 1887 Buffalo, New York. She is a young girl at the time who sees the black, spine-chilling ghost of her dead mother, ravaged by black cholera, who gives her a warning: Stay away from Crimson Peak!
"She felt a decaying hand wrap around her shoulder, smelled the damp earth of the grave, and heard the desiccated lips, a hoarse distortion of the voice she had known better than her own as it whispered in her ear:
'My child, when the time comes, beware of Crimson Peak.'" - page 23
Fourteen years later, determined to make a writer and New Age woman of herself, Edith tries to publish her novel but turned down because it is not a romance, much to her discouragement. In swoops dashing, English baronet Sir Thomas Sharpe who is not only handsome and inventive but loves her work . . .
On a mission to fund his invention that will cultivate the lucrative red clay on his family's land and restored the family land, Thomas is accompanied by his sister, Lucille, to America. Together they make quite a stir in Buffalo's social elite society. *Details for you to discover on your own hehe*
A shrewd businessman, Carter Cushing - Edith's father - rebukes Thomas' efforts and sends thebaronet packing. or so he thought . . .
"'But I cannot leave you, Edith. In fact, I find myself thinking of you at the most inopportune moments of the day. I feel as if a link, a thread, exists between your heart and mine. And that, should that link be broken by distance or time . . . well, I fear my heart would cease to beat and die. And you'd soon forget about me.'" - page 98
The pacing of the story was perfect; not once did I feel it dragged or like I needed to take a breath. The suspense filled the story with tension and the romance was perfectly blended in. I flew through the 348 pages and was sad when it was over. Crimson Peak is the perfect mix of murder, mystery, romance and supernatural horror.
All in all, I loved reading Crimson Peak and would recommend it to anyone who is willing.
"'Of all the ghosts the ghosts of our old loves are the worst.'" - page 106
I was born in California and have lived in Germany and Japan. I was a ballet dancer for a while but after an injury I gave that up. I attended the University of Hawaii and graduated from the University of California at San Diego. I am also a faculty member of the Stonecoast MFA in Creative Writing Program, offered through the University of Southern Maine.
I live in San Diego with the writer Mark Mandell and our sweet Corgi, Tater. I love to travel, read, and watch movies. I'm also an avid Jazzerciser and yogini.
***Check out Nancy Holder's website for more information about her and Crimson Peak: HERE
Happy Reading!
Happy Reading!
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