*Feature Friday is a meme hosted by The Tattered Page to feature YA books that have not yet been released by reviewing them.
*Warning: This review may contain spoilers. Read at your own risk.
Publisher: Delacorte Press
Release Date: November 8, 2016
Pages: 3o4
Source: ARC
The Story:
Theirs was the perfect love story.
After Emma Lorde’s parents’ divorce forces her to move halfway across the state of Arizona to live with her father, Emma must face her senior year in a new school knowing absolutely no one.
After Emma Lorde’s parents’ divorce forces her to move halfway across the state of Arizona to live with her father, Emma must face her senior year in a new school knowing absolutely no one.
Then she meets Dillon Hobbs and something just clicks.
Dillon introduces Emma to friends she can call her own. He provides a refuge from the chaos of her past and the security of a commitment that he promises will last forever. And because circumstances of her messy life forced Emma to put aside her dream of pursuing archaeology, Dillon creates a blueprint for a future together.
He saves her, over and over, by loving her more than she thought anyone ever would.
But just when everything seems picture-perfect, Emma is offered an opportunity that will upend the future they’ve planned. Uncertainty grows, and fear spirals into something darker.
But just when everything seems picture-perfect, Emma is offered an opportunity that will upend the future they’ve planned. Uncertainty grows, and fear spirals into something darker.
Now Dillon is the one who needs saving.
But how much do you sacrifice for the one you love? What if saving Dillon means losing herself?
via Amazon
via Amazon

My Review:
Tag Line:
He will do anything to keep them together.
Opening Line:
"Watch out," Hannah says. "There's a sweaty guy headed your way."
To be honest, I was a little disappointed with Die for You. The premise for the story was just what I was looking for:
Sounds fantastic, right?! The story had so much potential. But it just fell flat for me at the end. So anti-climatic . . .
The pacing of Die for You was perfect for the story. The unfolding of events. I like for romantic thrillers to start off calm and unthreatening . . . then BAMMMM! Shit hits the fan. And I am on the edge of my seat burning through the pages to see what happens. Unfortunately, for me, the big shabam was more like a small screech.
The characters were alive and believable. The world-building wasn't fantastical but I was still drawn into the story. I wanted to keep reading. All in all, I did enjoy Die for You but there definitely could have been more pizzazz. More crazy. More obsession. More blood and stalking. Something. More.
Here is one of my favorite quotes from Die for You:
Tag Line:
He will do anything to keep them together.
"Watch out," Hannah says. "There's a sweaty guy headed your way."
To be honest, I was a little disappointed with Die for You. The premise for the story was just what I was looking for:
Teen girl meets hot boy.
They fall in love.
The Red Thread, destined to be.
College. Careers. Forever.
They have it all figured out.
Until they don't . . .
Girl is given opportunity of a lifetime to spend the summer in a faraway place.
Boy's unresolved fear of abandonment bubbles to the surface.
In a dangerous way . . .
The pacing of Die for You was perfect for the story. The unfolding of events. I like for romantic thrillers to start off calm and unthreatening . . . then BAMMMM! Shit hits the fan. And I am on the edge of my seat burning through the pages to see what happens. Unfortunately, for me, the big shabam was more like a small screech.
The characters were alive and believable. The world-building wasn't fantastical but I was still drawn into the story. I wanted to keep reading. All in all, I did enjoy Die for You but there definitely could have been more pizzazz. More crazy. More obsession. More blood and stalking. Something. More.
Here is one of my favorite quotes from Die for You:
"In ancient times, it was said that the gods tie a red string around the ankles of two people who were meant to meet. The two people, connected by the red thread, were destined to be lovers, to find each other no matter the time, place, or circumstances. The red string could be twisted or knotted but never broken so that the two people, upon meeting, would feel the connection." --page 56
Meet the Author:
Amy Fellner Dominy is an advertising copywriter turned playwright turned novelist. Her books for teens and tweens include DIE FOR YOU; A MATTER OF HEART; AUDITION & SUBTRACTION; and OyMG, a Sydney Taylor Notable Book. Amy's first picture book, COOKIESAURUS REX will be out Fall, 2017. Amy lives in Phoenix with her hubby, various pets and two children who occasionally stop by for free meals. Visit Amy at www.amydominy.com or find her on Facebook at amyfellnerdominyauthor and twitter at @amydominy.
***Check out Amy Fellner Dominy's website for more information about her and Die for You: HERE
Happy Reading!
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