Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Crossroads: How to Deal...?

*This was during a period of my life when the reality of a choice I made earlier years before finally knocked me on my head. And I am very interested in knowing how do others cope with such emotions, with decisions that at the time seemed miniscule but later so profound.

Ashley is wondering: What do people do when they desperately want to let go - to the point of anger and frustration, but a part of them is whispering in their ear not to? How do you move on when the last step you have to take it to forgive yourself - how do you forgive yourself for the only choice you regret in your life? Where do go from there? Not only are you dealing with the remorse you feel for that mistake but the anger you feel rage inside of you because you’re not strong enough to finally let go.


QUOTE OF THE DAY: “Forgiveness means giving up all hope for a better past.”” -- Lily Tomlin

Happy Reading!


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