Thursday, February 16, 2017

Bookish Quiz : Which YA Series Should You Get Caught Up On?

*Bookish Quiz is a meme hosted by The Tattered Page to share bookish quizzes found and personal results*

Hey Bookies!

This week's bookish quiz focuses on trying to figure out what book series you should read next.

Here's a snippet from Epic Reads regarding the quiz:

Have you ever started a YA series, so excited to finally have the first book in your hands… only to read it super quickly and get stuck waiting a year for the sequel? Yeah, we thought so. And we get your cliffhanger pain. We really do. There’s nothing worse than falling in love with a story and not knowing what happens next.
Luckily for readers everywhere, there are so many amazing *follow-ups* being released right now that we’ve officially dubbed it the Season of Sequels! From drama to romance, and fairy tale to fantasy, we’re in the midst of a great continuation. And because we don’t want you to suffer that second-book-wait for even one more day, we put a little something together just to help you out.
This brand new, specially made book recommendation quiz will help you figure out what book you should start next – but only includes books with sequels that you can read immediately upon finishing.
So what are you waiting for? Find out what new YA series you should start right now!

My results are below:

Want to take the quiz? Hop on over to Epic Reads.

Happy Reading!


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